Frequently Ask Questions.

When you subscribe to TVBazzar, you will receive access to global TV Channels and VOD contents. 

While we strongly recommend everyone to use our TVBazzar box, for your convenience, we support the following devices: Android phones and media devices, MAG Box, Windows and MAC OS based computers, iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/Apple TV).

We aim to email you within 5min – 1 hour of purchase to arrange setup of your order. Please note during busy periods at evenings and weekends orders may take up to 2 hours to process. 


We offer a full range of North American, South American, European, African, Arabic and Asian channels, movies and shows @ up to 4k quality (where supported and available).

We offer 2 hours free trials (android devices only) because we believe that the best way for you to experience the value of our products and services is to try them for yourself. With a free trial, you can explore all the features and benefits of our offerings without any risk or obligation.

During your free trial, you can:

  • Get a hands-on understanding of how our products and services can help you
  • See how they fit your personal needs.
  • Ask questions and get support from our team of experts.

We’re confident that once you try our products and services, you’ll be convinced of their value. That’s why we offer free trials with no strings attached.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial today by contacting us via whatsapp! 

No worries, just connect with via whatsapp or helpdesk and we will gladly navigate you through the process :).

VPN is called Virtual Private Network. Its the legal way to keep your traffic secured and stay anonymous. You can use ExpressVPN or Hotspot sheild VPN. Install any of them > connect to any available country and try running IPTV App.

As we know we update our contents as changes happen. If it’s not working, then it means that the stream might have issue and we will actively work with our engineering team to get that resolved. It is also possible that your ISP is blocking us. Try using any VPN & re try.

Please note: Certain channels might not stream at 4k or HD due to availability. Certain channels may stop working due to stream issues and we will try our best to ensure that they are working asap.

We do offer 2 hours of free trial (please request via whatsapp) before purchasing our service. Please note there is no trial/refund on set-top box fee.

Our average respond time is 30 minutes during our regular business hours. Response time may vary during non business hours and holiday period.

Need Assistant for your need?

Our Support work 24/24 and 7/7 to receive your ticket and help you for all your problems and all your questions.

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